Berat badan ideal menjadi idaman semua wanita. Namun, untuk memilikinya diperlukan kerja keras yang diiringi disiplin tingkat tinggi dalam berolahraga dan mengatur pola makan.
Amanda Meixner, ahli dibidang gizi dan influencer hidup sehat melalui akun Instagramnya @meowmeix dan situs Meowmeix, membagikan ilmunya tentang bagaimana memilih makanan baik untuk tubuh yang dikemas dalam infografik menarik seperti di bawah ini. Yuk, simak selengkapnya.
1. Tidak Semua Bagian Pada Daging Ayam Memiliki Jumlah Kalori yang Sama, Loh.
What came first – the chicken or the egg? 🐓 Really I love utilizing the whole chicken! ❤️ My favorite new thing is to cook a whole chicken in an instant pot. If you’re choosing between different parts, here’s a look at calories, protein & fat. . Personally I think the chicken thigh is delicious and really underrated. Breakdown below: . 6 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast – 186 calories, 39g protein, 2.1g fat 1 chicken drumstick with skin – 140 calories, 17g protein, 7.2g fat 1 chicken thigh – 206 calories, 28g protein, 10g fat 1 egg – 78 calories, 6.3g protein, 5.3g fat . . . . . #chicken #cleaneating #salad #meat #dinner #healthychoices #healthyeating #spicy #healthyfood #chickenwings #protein #lunch #mealprep #weightloss #eggs #chickenbreast #cleaneats #fitfood #instahealth #nutrition #chickensofinstagram #glutenfree
A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on May 5, 2018 at 4:49pm PDT
2. Sama-Sama Makan Burger, Kentang, dan Minum Kopi, Pilih Varian yang Lebih Rendah Kalori
3. Tidak Makan Sama Sekali Justru Tidak Membantu Banyak Menurunkan Berat Badanmu. Makan Sayur dan Buah-Buahan dalam Porsi Besar Justru Membuat Lebih Sehat dan Membantu Memangkas Banyak Lemak
4. Siapa Bilang Makan Sayur dan Buah Itu Membosankan? Makan Makanan Sehat Bisa Jadi Lifestyle Kekinian yang Menyenangkan dengan Sedikit Kreativitas
5. Tak Perlu Beli, Snack Rumahan Ini Mudah Dibuat Sendiri dan Tak Perlu Dipanggang. Tidak Perlu Peralatan Khusus, Bukan?
6. Tidak Bisa Lepas dari Minuman dan Makanan Manis? Makan Makanan Ini Bisa Membantumu Mengurangi Konsumsi Gula Sedikit Demi Sedikit
7. Sama-Sama Praktis, Memilih Menu Makan Makanan Sehat Tentu Lebih Baik, Bukan?
@apfau knows his stuff when it comes to diet, nutrition, & fitness 💪 Make sure to give him a follow for more posts like this! Info on this post below: – Well, you can fit in SOME unhealthy foods if you want but try to hit your macros, micros, and get enough fiber while eating nothing but junk food. It's not going to happen. You'll go way over your carbs and fat without hitting your protein. Anyone who follows flexible dieting will typically eat tons of fruits, veggies, lean meats, and anything else you would consider healthy. Flexible dieting is more about the mindset of allowing yourself to occasionally fit in some treats to keep you sane. It's not a challenge to see how much junk you can eat in a day and still hit your macros. – I recommend getting a minimum of 85% of your foods from the typical healthy foods and if you want you can fill the remaining calories with more of a treat. You don't have to. You can eat 100% healthy foods if you wish. I do that most of the time. However, you can still reach your fitness goals by incorporating some of the less typical foods in your diet. Just don't let the perception that flexible dieting equals eating junk food throw you off because that's just not the case. – #iifym #flexibledieting #macros #pfaufitness #natty #eatclean #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation #bodybuildingcom #universalusa #losefat #physique #naturalbodybuilding #igfitness #leangains #fitfam #fitness #gainmuscle #aesthetics #workouttips #workout #bodybuilding #protein #nutrition #diettips
A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on Feb 1, 2018 at 1:00pm PST
8. Daripada Mie Instan, Sebutir Telur Rebus dan Alpukat Untuk Sarapan Bisa Menambah Asupan Energimu
9. Tak Perlu Tersiksa Karena Tidak Makan, Makan Teratur Plus Ngemil Sehat Bisa Membantu Menurunkan Berat Badan , Kok
10. Daripada Pakai Selai, Ganti dengan Buah-Buahan Asli Agar Lebih Segar dan Sehat
Dreaming of PBJ 😍 Throwback to this post because I really want some Peanut butter and jealllyy right about now. Full info below: — Here’s proof that you can make healthy versions of your unhealthy favorites 🙌 It makes me sad sometimes how much unhealthy foods are embedded in the American culture BUT it is very possible to create healthy versions of some American classics ❤ Some tips below: ▶️ Not all brands are created equal – make sure to check nutrition facts & ingredients. There are definitely healthy versions of peanut butter or even strawberry preserves if you prefer that over strawberries but steer clear of jams with high fructose corn syrup added and peanut butter with vegetable oils and added sugar. ▶️ Wonder bread vs. Ezekiel bread – Wonder bread has such a crazy long list of ingredients I couldn't even fit it in this caption reasonably. Where as Ezekiel bread has the following Ingredients: Organic Sprouted Wheat, Filtered Water, Organic Sprouted Barley, Organic Sprouted Millet, Organic Malted Barley, Organic Sprouted Lentils, Organic Sprouted Soybeans, Organic Sprouted Spelt, Fresh Yeast, Organic Wheat Gluten. Simple and minimally processed – now that's a win! The healthy choice is obvious and reminder to read the label on your bread brands too! 😜❤ #cleanliving #nourish #nourishyourbody #superfoods #letfoodbethymedicine #guthealth #pbj #cleaneating #cleaneatingideas #cleaneatingaddict #peanutbutter #peanutbutterandjelly #mealprepmonday #mealpreponfleek #snackideas #snacks #snacktime #fitfood #healthyfood
A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on Oct 12, 2017 at 5:10pm PDT
11. Meski Traveling dan Bepergian Jauh , Tetap Sediakan Camilan Rendah Kalori yang Menyehatkan, Ya
12. Kalau Malam-Malam Tiba-Tiba Kepengen Ngemil dan Kelaparan, Ganti Junk Food dalam Kulkasmu dengan Aneka Macam Kacang-Kacangan Ini
I’m NUTS about you guys 😜 Here’s a fun way to look at your healthy fats 💪 Foods rich in heathy fats are high in antioxidants which are key for counteracting oxidative damage done to our bodies over the years 🙌 Also by decreasing your carb intake and replacing it with more fat, you can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and support your metabolism 💪 Nuttier info below: Walnuts: high in manganese (prevent osteoporosis & inflammation), & copper also contains magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin b6 & folate. Pumpkin seeds: high in zinc & magnesium, also contains potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. Pecans: high in manganese & copper, also contains thiamine, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus & iron. Almonds: high in vitamin E, riboflavin, manganese, magnesium, & phosphorus also contains calcium & iron. Peanuts: high in biotin & copper, also includes niacin, folate, manganese, & vitamin E. Cashews: high in copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc also includes manganese, vitamin K, iron & folate. Inspired by @fit_pham #mealprep #snack #snackideas #mealprepmonday #mealprepsunday
A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on Feb 28, 2017 at 12:21pm PST
13. Mau Lebih Simpel Lagi? Sarapan, Makan Siang, dan Makan Malam Pun Bisa Tanpa Nasi dan Awet Kenyangnya
Biar tak jadi wacana, yuk rutin olahraga dan hidup untuk lebih sehat. Jangan lupa susun menu kebutuhan makan harianmu seperti metode di atas, ya. Selamat mencoba.