Gak Cuma Kita, Ternyata 14 Hewan Ini Juga Punya Akun Instagram Sendiri. Buruan Follow Biar Timeline Jadi Lebih Berwarna, yuk

Di Instagram, biasanya orang akan nge-follow influencer, selebriti favorit, atau akun-akun yang sesuai dengan hobi mereka. Biar gak bosen melihat unggahan serupa yang kadang monoton, coba follow akun-akun yang nge-posting tentang aktivitas hewan-hewan yang imut ini. Dengan melihat berbagai gaya hewan dengan segala tingkahnya yang ngegemesin, pasti timeline Instagram-mu bakal jadi makin berwarna dan seru. Apalagi, untuk kamu yang memang senang terhadap hewan. Yuk, mulai stalk dan follow akun-akun berikut ini.

1. @marniethedog

The marvelous mrs. marn marn haha that's just a joke #tbt

A post shared by Marnie The Dog (@marniethedog) on

Pada awalnya anjing ini diadopsi dari jalanan. Tapi sekarang, pemeliharanya sudah menghabiskan banyak momen dengan anjingnya. Kelucuan anjing ini bakal bikin kamu makin sering tersenyum.

2. @nala_cat

Nala sudah punya lebih dari 3 juta followers, girls. Kucing ini diadopsi sejak ia masih kecil. Uniknya, Nala menyenangi aksesoris dan memiliki bandana-bandana imut miliknya sendiri.

3. @itsdougthepug

“‪I may be a grouch but at least I’m cute‬” -Doug

A post shared by Doug The Pug (@itsdougthepug) on

Anjing jenis pug bernama Doug ini, sering banget memakai kostum yang unik. Ia juga kerap pamer pose foto yang beda dari hewan-hewan biasanya.

4. @exempelthebunny

I got a weird comment yesterday and wanted to bring it up. The person said something like "The comments on this video are the exact same as a few months ago. I wonder if there ever was a real bunny involved. Maybe just to sell something." Yes, I do repost pictures and videos but I'm 100% sure people don't comment the exact same stuff on them. Especially since I write different captions. And of course Exempel is real? I don't know why anyone would fake something like that. Especially since I've posted both pictures and videos of him, as well as a few live streams. And lastly, I don't have merch so no I didn't start this account just to earn money. I started it because people got tired of just seeing my bunny on my own Instagram account. I get lots of weird and/or mean comments but I felt like this one kind of took the prize as I've never gotten anything like that before.

A post shared by Exempel the bunny (@exempelthebunny) on

Ada juga kelinci kecil bernama Exempel. Selain mukanya yang imut, ia juga mempunyai tingkah yang membuat gemas para followers-nya. Kadang ia bergerak-gerak saat ada musik, high-fives dengan pemeliharanya, dan beragam tingkah lucu lainnya.

5. @iamlilbub

Happy Mother's Day to BUB, the mother of magic and cuteness. #lilbub

A post shared by Lil BUB (@iamlilbub) on

Kucing bernama Bub ini memiliki kelainan genetika yang membuat matanya lebar, jari kaki yang lebih, dan jumlah gigi yang kurang membuat lidahnya selalu keluar. Tapi semua itu justru membuat ia tampak super gemesin.

[su_box title=”Editor’s Pick:”]


6. @pumpkintheraccoon

🎃 “Did you miss me?” Hi friends! Aaaaaaaand we’re back! Over the past few weeks I have been going over and over the best way for me to get the best Pumpkin, Toffee, and Oreo shots for you! I needed a hard reset and I know that my absence has disappointed some but know that I really appreciate you sticking with me. The morning after I had my daughter I was on Instagram posting, when my daughter was ill and in the hospital I was posting, when my husband and I went away I was posting. I became so stressed when the internet connection was bad because I couldn’t post. It became so overwhelming and I hated feeling like I was letting you down. I never had shared myself with you all before and was so nervous to let you know about what was going on in my life. I wanted to keep everything as private as possible. And when I did share the news of my daughters arrival I was blown away by how supportive this community was. I expressed my fears to my friend and she encouraged me to press ‘send’ and I am so glad I did. I did receive some negative messages, “… I follow other animals that include the owners children, you can post, you will loose me as a follower, why aren’t you posting?” “… you are lazy…” and other much harsher ones. These kept me up at night. I needed time to take a step back and get excited about posting again, and I am there. I am sure those of you with children can understand that as a first time mum you are consumed and overwhelmed, I really was. Our little motley crew has been amazing, and my husband and I constantly discuss how we can’t imagine our home without animals in it. How lucky our daughter is to share her home with three extraordinary creatures. So I wanted to write you to say thank you for being patient and I want to be more honest with you on this page. This is a fabulous community and we adore you all! We are back! Peace and Love, Team Pumps 🎃❤️🐶 xox

A post shared by Pumpkin The Raccoon (@pumpkintheraccoon) on

Hewan yang satu ini diadopsi oleh sebuah keluarga di Bahama saat ia masih kecil. Pumpkin cepat beradaptasi dengan keluarga tersebut, dan menghabiskan waktunya untuk bermain dengan anjing-anjing, mencari camilan, sampai tidur-tiduran di sofa.

7. @realdiddykong

“Best friends!🐒🙈” – Diddy Kong

A post shared by Diddy Kong & Yeti Kong (@realdiddykong) on

Duo monyet kecil bernama Diddy dan Yeti, juga selalu menghibur di setiap unggahan Instagramnya.

8. @juniperfoxx

Rubah bernama Juniper ini pasti bakal bikin kamu penasaran. Melalui akun Instagramnya, kita bisa tahu kalau Juniper ini selalu bermalas-malasan hingga sore dan aktif di malam hari, karena pada dasarnya ia memang nokturnal.

9. @venustwofacecat

#fbf Hangin with my peeps! 😹 #goodfriday #peeps #easter

A post shared by Venus the Two Face Cat (@venustwofacecat) on

Seekor kucing bernama Venus memiliki dua warna bulu berbeda di wajahnya, yaitu hitam dan oranye. Kedua matanya pun terlihat gak sama. Unik banget, kan?

10. @mensweardog

‘Stylish dog‘ mungkin bisa kamu sematkan kepada Bodhi, karena ia senang memakai berbagai kostum yang trendy, lengkap dengan aksesorisnya. Ada-ada aja, nih!

11. @wally_and_molly

Seorang Ibu bernama Molly, mendokumentasikan kesehariannya bersama kelinci jenis English Angora bernama Wally. Lewat Instagramnya, kamu bisa melihat Wally melompat, bersantai, dan mendengkur yang membuatnya jadi terlihat menggemaskan.

12. @lionelthehog

Seekor landak bernama Lionel juga sukses menyita perhatian. Ia sering menjadi objek selfie dengan berbagai macam background. Manisnya lionel, selalu diperlihatkan dengan berperilaku baik dimanapun ia berada.

13. @dailydougie

#throwbackthursday #tbt #shihtzu #babybear

A post shared by Dougie the Shih Tzu (@dailydougie) on

Seekor anjing berbulu tebal bernama Dougie, sering membuat orang berpikir bahwa ia sebenarnya hanya boneka karena keimutannya. Kalau lihat uanggahan Instagramnya, rasanya bikin mau tap tombol love lebih dari satu kali terus!

14. @jackthecockatiel

Purple bouquet for you 💜

A post shared by Jack the Cockatiel (@jackthecockatiel) on

Pemelihara burung jenis Cockatiel bernama Jack, sepertinya berhasil menyatukan keindahan hewan peliharaannnya dan kreativitas. Banyak kreasi foto Jack yang membuat orang jadi kagum.

Dari daftar-daftar di atas, mana yang membuatmu paling merasa gemas dan langsung ingin follow, girls?


Smile is her favorite magic. If you have one tell her through Instagram @liannurma.

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